GMSAA Board Update

Memorial Day, May 27, 2024
Greetings from Eden Prairie, Minnesota.

The board would like to give you a brief update of what has been going on since the October 2023 Reunion. We have met a few times via zoom to discuss various matters GMSAA will need to address in upcoming years.

What’s most likely on your mind is the reunion schedule, without further adieu here it is.

After the new year the board organized a Reunion Committee to research what are the best options going forward. The Board members making up this committee are: Michael Crews (Association VP), Denton Staley (Association Sec), Steve Downer and Bear Baker. On April 8, after discussion of their recommendations, it was unanimously agreed that the following schedule be adopted for this upcoming 2024 GMSAA Reunion.

1) Reunion Schedule

Schedule for Oct 2024 GMSAA Reunion
All Events at the Sharp Alumni Center unless noted otherwise.

Thursday, Oct 17, 
Registration 4-7 pm

Friday, Oct 18
Registration 9 am-7 pm

Golf @ Lewisburg CC: 9am-3pm

Flag Raising Ceremony: 9:30 a.m.

GMSAA Board Meeting 10am-12n

Retreat Formation, Front Court 3:30 
   Retreat Rehearsal: 3:30 pm
   Retreat: 5 pm
   Group Photo inside the Quad immediately after Retreat Formation

Catered Dinner Buffet 6 pm Sharp Center

Dance/Sock Hop 7:30-10 pm

Saturday Oct 19
Pre Meeting Beverages Coffee and Pastries 9:30
General Meeting: 10am-12n

12 noon: Dismiss the Corp, Free time.

The rest of the day open to do what ever you wish. Denton has been in contact with various restaurants around town to inquire about available private gatherings. Restaurant contacts coming soon.

Sunday, Oct 20 
Church at Old Stone Presbyterian: 11 am
NOTE: Registration window will be open as soon as final costs are determined.

Also, the DJ Denton has contacted will provide a website where you will be able to request songs of your era. That will be available soon.

From the Reunion Committee: The rationale for the new reunion schedule is as follows. Concern was expressed at the elimination of the Saturday evening activities. The financial reports have shown that Saturday events have been our major expense in the past and this is where we have the best opportunity to reduce costs. It was noted that Bobby Nichols, who we have used extensively over the past years, is spending more time in London with his son and is harder to get in contact with him. This proposal also eliminates the need for the Student Center and another catered dinner.

Attendance records show that the numbers have been declining at the Saturday Night Dinner Dance activity with expenses climbing. It became obvious that this was the best place to cut expenses and still offer dancing at the Sharp center. To continue the Saturday evening activities and not dip into operating funds would require an increase in prices. This increase possibly could further lower the numbers willing to participate.

Bill Stinnette recommended that the buffet be a little nicer with a second meat option and something for a vegan option. The DJ has agreed to furnish an email address where music requests can be sent and he will arrange to play that list plus the best dance tunes from your day.

2) GMSAA Awards. In the past GMSAA has bestowed awards to individuals who have met certain criteria that would merit him to receive special recognition. The Board would like to reinstate some of those awards. More information will be coming soon.

3) Inventory of the GMSAA Archives. Denton, Michael Crews and Steve Downer have been working in Lewisburg going through the items in the archives to meet the legal requirement that all items in our care are inventoried for the eventual dissolution of GMSAA.

4) Members of the Board have represented GMSAA at various functions at WVSOM and at the two Greenbrier County High Schools. They have also met with WVSOM IT personnel to review security and received assurance the website will be maintained by WVSOM in the event of various scenarios that have been brought up by members of the association. Plus, Jim Dodway and Jackson Tully have also proudly represented GMSAA at various activities.

5) Michael Crews, Denton Staley and Steve Downer have been doing extraordinary duty for you, the members.

Respectfully, on behalf of the Board,
Mike Ruth