A Tribute to the GMS Cadet Honor Code of Truth & Honesty

Posted May 4th, 2024 by Mike Ruth from John Byrnes, Class of 1965

A Tribute to the GMS Cadet Honor Code of Truth & Honesty

Gary Tolbert
The 61-62 school year was my first at the "Brier” and I distinctly remember Nelson Gilmer as one of the sharpest, well dressed, and well put together cadet officers I ever saw at GMS. His behavior, demeanor and military bearing was a credit to both the corps of cadets and the school. My company commander that year, Charles Shea Smith, was of the same mold. Both of those cadet officers served as excellent role models for all others to follow. Sincerest condolences to Nelson's family and friends.

John D. Byrnes
Absolutely, Gary!

My first year at GMS was 59/60, Nelson roomed with Alan Mollohan! Both men were just as you described Nelson! They both have stood as models for us all!
It is my hope that Alan will return this year for our Reunion!

Gary Tolbert
You're absolutely right about Alan as well. I remember him well and recall that he was also an excellent example for us all.

John D. Byrnes
Alan and Nelson had this incredible agreement. Like all of us they would trash talk to each other from time to time, but if either said the word, “honestly”, the other would state the honest truth.
I found this to be an extraordinary example of our GMS Honor Code! And, I have tried to live by this code even today!

Gary Tolbert
A gentleman's code and word. That's a nice remembrance from long ago. There are so many stories yet to tell from those days.

John D. Byrnes
Gary, these types of agreements among cadets, both individually and as part of our formal Codes of Conduct that became one of the shining lights that resonated at its core at Greenbrier Military School (GMS)! These are some of the examples that forged us like steel from boys to men and live with us even today. This is but one more example of the many reasons that cause us to continue coming back to Reunions to a school that has long closed. These are the reasons that we need to return and shake the hands of those who share our values, our own GMS Band of Brothers.