Message from the President

To all GMS Cadets, Family and Friends:

On behalf of the GMSAA Board I would like to say THANK YOU!  to all who celebrated with us this weekend. I believe we had 98 people register early for the Friday night get together. While there were 14 no shows, there were about the same number who registered upon arrival to campus. We had 104 people at the dinner. While there wasn’t much dancing as we hoped, there were plenty of conversations and reconnection.

We also raised $6100 for the Leadership Scholarship, with a number of people pledging to contribute once they got home. 

If you want to contribute to the Leadership Scholarship please access the GMSAA website, or send a check made out to GMSAA.  Send to GMSAA, PO Box 922, Lewisburg, WV 24901, Attn: Mary Thompson. In the memo area of the check indicate the Leadership Scholarship.

What follows are not the minutes of the meetings but a summary. The important items of business this weekend were the signing of the agreement transferring the GMSAA Collection to WVSOM, discussions around the dissolution of the Association and the final official reunion. 

On Friday morning, after years of long and sometimes difficult discussions, the Board voted to bring the business of GMSAA to its end by Dec 31, 2026. The motion to hold the final GMSAA Reunion in October 2025 was also voted on. Both motions to close the association and hold the final GMSAA Reunion were passed unanimously. 

Friday afternoon the final documents were signed by the WVSOM Foundation, the WVSOM Board of Directors, the Greenbrier Historical Society and GMSAA to transfer the GMSAA Collection to WVSOM. After our board meeting, Governor Justice was on campus to sign a bill providing $13 million for WVSOM deferred maintenance. During this ceremony he spoke in depth about his time at GMS.

Finally, during the general meeting on Saturday a motion was made to keep the board membership as it is with its current 9 members until the Association closes. The motion passed unanimously.

Plans are already underway for the October 2025 reunion. Please note that after the October 2025 event, WVSOM has agreed to help facilitate informal reunions as long as we want to hold them. There will be a committee set up to assist in the transition to the informal get togethers.

One more thing before closing, I learned that the Greenbrier Jeep Rally will move to the 4th weekend in October thereby freeing up hotel rooms and parking lots!

Thank you to those who attended the board and general meetings, plus all your contributions throughout the last year. I appreciate your input and guidance. More information will be made available as we proceed.

See you October 17-19, 2025.

With respect,

Mike Ruth, President GMSAA
Class of 1969